I am SO freakin excited to tell you that I am now the new owner of the ever awesome Nikon D80. YAY ME!!! I have been wanting one for a long long time. I fondled alot of cameras in alot of camera stores...alot. I always came back to the D80 though. It just feels good in my hands :) I got to take a few pictures yesterday, but more today, but I haven't left auto mode yet. That would take concentration, I didn't have any of that today. I'm a little bit worn out feeling, on account of the kid and her constant constant whining and complaining. Now that the sun has come out, it's worse than ever. She says it's too shiny...yah duuuhhhhh...and what am I supposed to do about that? Anyways, there is only so much one can take before one starts to just shut their brain off in order to just survive the day until bedtime. Then the brain can come back on, but it's not like it's in smart mode really. Ok blaa baaa blaaaaaaaaaa. Let's get to the point I just wanted to share this photo I took today with my new nikie... yah, I just called it a nikie... and what?