Friday, July 13, 2007


Time just goes by so fast in the summer!!! Busy busy! I'm just going to make this quick cause it's almost 2am and it's hot and I'm tired. So is there anyone who actually ENJOYS going for a walk with their 3 year old in a stroller? Cause I gotta be honest here, I find it to be a pain in the dang but. I really feel like I'm doing something good, going for a walk, I'm getting some great excersize and the kid is getting some delicious fresh air right? WRONG - rather than getting fresh air, she's getting on my nerves, and instead of excersize all I'm getting is a freaking headache. Seriously folks, why can't she just sit up and keep her fingers and shoes out of the spokes? Does she HAVE to have every leaf and pinecone that she sees? And you KNOW if you pick up that stick she wants its going right in those spokes which will cause you to stop YET again. I doubt I get any shred of excersize at all. Pshhhh WHATEVERRRRR. I love her to death...but come on kid, throw me a bone here...or even a stick would be long as it's not in the spokes...